Single-electron charging using atomic force microscopy
Antoine Roy-Gobeil
Department of Physics
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
November 1st 2016
Measure the electronic structure of nanostructures such as self-assembled quantum dots and molecules.
Tunable optical and chemical properties through structure design
Potential building blocks for novel nanoelectronic devices
Challenge and why AFM is useful
It is extremely challenging to attach electrodes to self-assembled QDs or molecules due to their small size.
However, by using atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanostructures deposited on a surface can be imaged with sub-nm resolution
By using the AFM tip as a movable electrode, transport experiment can be performed at the nanoscale
Single-electron charging with AFM
Quantum dot is separated from a metallic backelectrode by a tunnel barrier
Coulomb blockade energy must be paid to add one electron
Energy is conserved upon tunneling
AFM tip is used as movable gate and sensitive charge sensor
Tip oscillation modulates the energy level alignment which determines the tunneling rates
In turn, the probability of having an extra charge on the QD, <P(t)>, is modulated and it is measured as an electrostatic force acting on the tip
Linear response
Key result from quantum linear response theory* is that the total tunneling rate determines the ratio of the change in frequency shift and dissipation:
Tunneling rate contains information about the density of state/electronic structure
Tunneling rates
Because the dot is weakly coupled to the backelectrode, individual tunneling rates are computed using Fermi's golden rule
The total tunneling rate on and off the dot are given by a sum over all levels k in the quantum dot taking into account Pauli's exclusion principle:
Tunneling rates are directly related to the electronic structure through the summations above
Tunneling rate - Single non-degenerate level
Metallic grains
Au nanoparticles @ 77K
5 nm diameter
Self-assembled monolayer of hexadecanedithiol (C16S2)
Template stripped gold
Au nanoparticles @ 77K
Tunneling rate - Continuous Density of States
Quantum dots
InAS QD @ 4K
InAs QD @ 4K - Degenerate levels (s-shell)
Tunneling rate - Degenerate level (v=2,n_shell=0)
Tunneling rate - Degenerate level (v=2,n_shell=1)
InAs QD @ 4K - Degenerate levels (s-shell)
Effect of the reorganization energy
Amplitude-dependent response
Preliminary observations on ferrocene molecule
Experimental challenges
Sample preparation
InAs QD / InP
Cockins et al., PNAS (2010)
Au cluster / NaCl / Fe
Tekiel et al., ACSNano (2013)
Au NP / C16S2 / Au
Roy-Gobeil et al., NanoLetters (2015)
Accurate dissipation measurement
The driving efficiency of the cantilever is frequency-dependent because of system resonances.
The transfer function of the excitation system must therefore be accounted for to accurately measure dissipation.
Sensitive low-temperature atomic force microscopy
AFM can be used to perform quantum dot spectroscopy without the need for attached electrodes.
By perfoming tunneling rate spectroscopy, one can measure the density of states or the detailed electronic structure of quantum dots and nanoparticles.
The reorganization energy of molecules lead to a unique response of AFM at different oscillation amplitude. Early experimental results of the effect were obtained on ferrocene molecules.
Using AFM to probe coherent inter quantum dot tunneling and possibly measure the value of the double-dot relaxation time.